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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Women cope with divorce better than men even though they suffer more financially

For many women who dream of marital bliss, the prospect of divorce is a nightmare.
But it may come as a comfort to some to know that even if their marriage does come to an end, the chances are they will cope better with it than their husbands.
In fact most women are significantly happier with their lives for as much as five years after the end of the marriages, according to new research.
Most women are significantly happier with their lives for as much as five years after the end of the marriages, according to new research
Although their ex-husbands also feel slightly happier after receiving the decree absolute, the increase was much less marked - and some would even call it just relief.
Academics who carried out the study believe the reason for the contrast is caused by a difference in the way men and women adapt to major life changes.


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